A Place to Reveal


Chisel Architecture has an established rhythm and pattern that we’ve crafted over the past three years, diligently carving a niche for our work through relationships and design. In a nod to our brand, the celebrated role of the chisel in our practice continues to allow learning and expression to be revealed.


“In every block of marble I see a statue.
I have only to hew away the rough walls that imprison it.”

~ Michelangelo ~


The launch of our blog reflects the stories, insights, and patterns we’ve collected. It represents our collaborations and the talented partners and team we create with every day – and even behind-the-scenes looks at design trends and events. At the core of all our sharing, we’re highlighting the homeowner and their Pattern of Life™.


We’re sure grateful we trademarked that at the onset of our firm. We view it as a design process and conversation that reveals itself in preferences, routines, and memories. Over the years as we’ve honed Pattern of Life with clients, we know it’s about listening. Truly listening. We’re often the ones in the process to slow things to a pause when a homeowner reveals something nonchalantly or with ambiguity. They might not yet have the language to express what seems like something small, or an indescribable feeling they get about what they want to experience in their home. But we go there. That’s what makes all the difference in delivery of design.


This pattern we’ve created is an artform. It allows us to work with all sorts of people on all types of projects – from the super prescriptive who finely detail their design desires to those that inherently trust us. In the latter category, we understand that trust comes from our prior work and building a relationship. It’s like commissioning an artist to do a specific work of art. You have studied their work, you connect deeply with the work, and you come to the artist with a healthy acknowledgement of risk and great reward.


THIS is the process of inspired and valued tailored home design. At Chisel, we’ve embraced this highly personalized approach and feel it’s reflective of how people in general want to go through any process in a more human, healthy and supported way. Layer that notion with pandemic-induced reconnection to the importance of self, family, environment, and the creation of HOME for any homeowner looks different. More evolved. Chisel is there for it.

--- Subscribe to our blog, delivered on a monthly basis with relevancy for design professionals and homeowners alike. – Marcy and Sara

Kevin Fennell